Monday, March 4, 2013

7 weeks and all is well

i'm a little late to this update seeing as we're about to hit 8 weeks, but this week has proven to be a little bit of a challenge despite the huge milestone we hit... we were able to hear baby B's heartbeat this week, something a lot of couples have to wait at least a few more weeks to hear normally.  so that was a huge blessing to know our little one has made it to that point!  but with this great development also came more hormones... and from those hormones came some awesome {totally sarcastic} symptoms.

let's see.... last weekend kicked off with a major migraine which was so bad it made me so sick to my stomach {which is the first nausea i've experienced thus far}.  it got to the point that i sent J out for a Coke slurpee + tylenol  a} because i'm craving those slurpees like nobody's business and b} because i truly needed the headache to go away it hurt that bad!

so while he was out doing that i sat on the bed contemplating should i or shouldn't i throw up to try to make my head feel better... i hate, like absolutely hate throwing up... but sitting there on my bed i realized i better move to the bathroom, and sure enough i threw up and it was as if my migraine disappeared instantly!  hey if those are the results, maybe i don't hate throwing up as much as i used to... nah, i still do.

then the morning we had our dr's appointment i lost my saltines right after brushing my teeth... but luckily the next day i was able to lay low at home so the nausea wasn't terrible that day... it seemed to be here one day and then semi gone the next.  which i totally can't complain about, and i really can't complain that the nausea showed up rather late compared with some moms i know who've been sick since the word go.  

the doc did also give me a B6 supplement to try, she said that for some people 25mg a few times a day can really help with the sickness... and by saturday morning i woke up feeling A.O.K. with no nausea!  despite my best efforts to eat healthy i have also embraced bagels again this week, i really had forgotten how much i love bagels, but i know they are only a temporary staple until the nausea lifts hopefully in a few weeks.  even though the nausea seems to have subsided a little i'm still experiencing crazy food aversions, never in my life have i ever turned down sweets, and right now they simply don't sound good! there's a whole list of things that aren't sounding good and some change each day but man those Coke slurpees are my big fave right now =)  i really should probably ease off considering they have caffeine but they just taste so darn good!

and this pretty much sums up my fatigue levels this past week 

anytime i can crash for a nap i can and do... i feel like this was a big week hormonally for me and so many symptoms were in the works due to my hormones peaking or something, who knows maybe they'll get even stronger from here.  but i am totally thankful for those hormones because they help me to know baby B is growing and developing!