in the mean time Dr. Mo did say the hubs needed a third SA done, to check his counts as well as check for that enzyme i mentioned in my last post, because if that enzyme issn't present we would have to skip IUI all together, and go straight to IVF... which i really would love to see if IUI will do the trick for us. and after quasi-stalking my doc's office the week before Christmas we got his results.
we found out his numbers were back up again, praise the Lord! still not out of the low zone, but they had improved from the second SA he had done back in July.
here are the stats on the three he's had:
{May 2012} SA #1: volume very high - motility 60% - morphology 7%
{July 2012} SA #2: volume very high - motility 50% - morphology 1%
{Dec 2012} SA #3: volume very high - motility 60% - morphology 6.9% {close to 7% is what the nurse said}
so while his morphology is still high {remember with morphology the number reflects the percent of normal shaped sperm} it's great to know that maybe that second analysis was just a fluke, and that something wasn't drastically wrong. we'll count the fact that his numbers were back to "normal" for him as an answer to prayer, and that we are cleared to proceed with IUI due to the positive test for that enzyme!
on another note, right before Christmas we met with some friends for our annual Christmas dinner and we suspected that one of the couples was pregnant, which they failed to announce at our little shindig... however about a week later she called to talk to me and in fact confirmed that they are expecting. my hunches are always right on! while it was difficult to have my hunch confirmed, i was determined to not crush her joyful announcement during the course of our conversation. she's someone who was an acquaintance turned client, turned friend and she has become a dear friend that i've really come to love over the past few years. so i really can't be anything but happy for she and her hubby. however during our conversation she did say that they were a little surprised because they weren't planning to start trying till next next spring. that type of statement always makes me wince a little, since i've been learning a whole about my "plans" versus God's plans... which totally made me think of this little gem i found on pinterest
she's someone i had told a little bit about my PCOS stuff, but not that we were really "trying" nor had i told her about pursuing fertility treatment. but i had told her we were considering this next year to try to have a baby... so she knew something was up with me, and when she told me how they weren't planning to be pregnant yet, i gently reminded her to be thankful that even though it wasn't spot on their timing, to be thankful for this blessing because there are others {like myself!} who are praying for pregnancy miracle. after sharing her news she did ask about us and what was going on with us remembering what i had told her about the PCOS.... truth be told i kinda dread the moment someone asks, where i have to decide, is the someone i want knowing about our struggle? is this someone i know i can trust to be tenderhearted and empathize with what we're going through? and the answer to those questions was yes, she certainly is someone i can confide in and so i tried to give her the cliff notes version of what's going on... again i felt terrible sharing where we're at, like i was stomping on her joyful news. but i really do think she's someone who cares and i would love to have on our team of prayer warriors for our journey.
i have to admit that i think i'm "maturing" a little in how i handle pregnancy news, because at the end of our chat i told her not to feel awkward sharing with me about her pregnancy, and not to avoid me because of our struggles. and she thanked me for telling her that, i think once a fertile finds out you're not it makes it super awkward and they shut down not knowing what's "appropriate" to share with the infertile. so i wanted to make sure she knew i still want to be apart of her pregnancy. the neat part is that their due date is on the anniversary of their wedding which i helped her plan almost 3 years ago.
and that folks brings us up to today... will update again once our new cycle starts!