how far along: 32 weeks 6days
total weight gain/loss: the scale scale is hovering around 176 and my waist is creeping from 42- 43 inches
maternity clothes: well this past week i spent a lot of time in PJs due to the bedrest orders
stretch marks: another week down, and still nothing to speak of
best moment this week: was your baby shower, and also finding out the uncle mills + auntie melissa are pregnant and Ava's going to have a little brother or sissy!! so excited for them and you to have another baby friend.
miss anything: being with people, bedrest is harder than it seems. i was at my mom + dad's this week and it was nice to have them around off and on throughout the day seeing how it would be a pretty lonely week if i had been at our place by myself all week.
movement: yep, you have been doing LOTS of big movements, i'm planning to set up an email account for you, and i'll have to email you the videos of you moving around in my tummy. the rolls are so big sometimes that you've woken me up from naps, and that's pretty hard to do!
food cravings: my sweet tooth seems to be getting worse - thrifty ice cream, chocolate malts, mcflurry's... still love melon though
anything making you queasy or sick: nope, still feeling pretty good
have you started to show yet: my tummy is starting to really look like it's getting stretched, even daddy said its crazy because he can't really feel any of my tummy chub, you're getting pretty big in there!
baby name: Ellison {jury's still out on the spelling} - and i finally told grandpa terry your name {we've been afraid he would blab it to people on accident, he's a story teller and sometimes gets carried away with sharing things}, so he knows we want to wait to announce your name when you're born!
labor signs: still nothing not even braxton hicks, although i did wake up with some pressure around 4 am, but i think it's because i needed to use the restroom
belly button in or out: so shallow and one side looks like it might try to pop out soon, a few more of your swift thumps and it may be an outtie soon
wedding rings on or off: off, and still able to fit the opal, my watch is getting snug too due to swelling
happy or moody most of the time: very happy, kind of in disbelief how soon we will meet you, and still able to tear up at the drop of a hat
looking forward to: my next doc appointment to see if they still think i'm showing signs of preeclampsia
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