Monday, October 6, 2014

37 weeks

how far along: 37weeks 5days 

total weight gain/loss: the scale is around 190 and my waist is still 44" + looking stretched

maternity clothes: still the maternity clothes but some of them are feeling pretty snug

stretch marks: still in the clear, please lord!

best moment this week: got your room cleared out, but now the living room is a mess, but we can get your carpet cleaned!!

miss anything: I miss prenatal yoga, I had wanted to be doing that leading up to your bday, but I think i'll be on bedrest till you arrive

movement: you're still moving a bunch, as usual, I started fetal monitoring and you love to move right after they find your heartbeat

food cravings: hmm nothing specifically, but I've been getting a lot of bagels for breakfasts this week and I do like panera's mango smoothies

any symptoms: this week I've been hurting a bit, heavy and achy in my pelvis, tailbone and pubic bone, as of Monday I was 1-2cm dilated, my cervix was very soft and you're head is at a -2 station, so you're getting ready! 

have you started to show yet: haha I think people know I'm about done you're almost a fully cooked bun 

baby name: Ellison, still deciding on your middle name

labor signs: thanks to fetal monitoring I know I'm not contracting yet 

belly button in or out: still in 

wedding rings on or off: still got the opal, but my fingers are so swollen

happy or moody most of the time: happy but a little stressed hoping we can get all that needs to be done around here before your arrival! 

looking forward to: auntie kris' shower this weekend, auntie erin to go into labor and to finally have daddy build your crib + dresser this weekend and start putting all the finishing touches on your nursery! Eek so excited!! Also, dr Lai is back from maternity Monday, sooo happy about that!

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